
Disturbulence3 is formed by three contemporary musicians and composers engaged in crossbreeding of articulations and timbre that constitute instrumental and electroacoustic performance. Using analogue real-time audio processing the breath of the trumpet is blowing the diano and the hammers of the piano can play the trumpet. The dynamic of the performance thus stretches from indistinguishable unison of instruments to large contrasts in musical elements, short of, or bewond recognition. Improvisations are conceived and led by all three members which diversifies the structures of timbre and time that the trio produces. Our purpose is to untangle the knots of conformity by resolving the tension between the distinction and union.

Damir Bacikin – trumpet
Misha Cvijovic – piano
Zlatko Barasckai – live electronics, modular synthesizer

Disturbulence4 (feat. Eric Wong – electric guitar)

HfM Hanns Eisler
October 2016
Berlin, Germany

Udk Bundesallee
August 2016
Berlin, Germany


Zlatko Baraskai: AT LEAST FOUR

Budapest, Hungary

Misha Cvijović – piano
Damir Bačikin – trumpet
Dora Attila – bass clarinet
Aron Porteleki – drums