Misha Cvijovic: Tikun Ollam for String Quartet
I Tzedakah (financial support of the poor)
II G’milut hasadim (acts of loving kindness)
III Tzedek (Justice)
String Quartet:
Johnna Wu – I violin
Xenia Gogu – II violin
Shasta Ellenbogen – viola
Liron Yariv – violoncello
Performed and Recorded at HfM Hanns Eisler
Zoom+Fokus Festival
KLANGZEITORT. Institut für Neue Musik
Berlin, Germany
Tikkun olam (repair of the world) as a concept in Judaism, is a subject of much debate, being interpreted by strict constructionalists of Orthodox Judaism as the prospect of wiping out all forms of idolatry (non-monotheistic religious belief), and being interpreted by modern movements in Judaism as a commandment for people to behave and act constructively and beneficially.
Documented use of the term dates back the Mishnaic period. Subsequently, in medieval times, kabbalistic literature began broadening use of the term. Modern movements of Judaism have expanded the terms to include “the thesis that Jews bear responsibility not only for their own moral, spiritual, and material welfare, but also for the welfare of society at large”. To the ears of contemporary pluralistic Rabbis, the term connotes “the establishment of Godly qualities throughout the world.”