Misha Cvijović: EMOTIONAL LOGIC for voice, ensemble, video and fixed electronics

1) FEAR for voice and  prophet 08

2) DISGUST for voice,violin and violoncello

3) SADNESS for voice, alt flute, bass clarinet, violin, violoncello

4) ANGER for voice, flute, bass clarinet, percussions, piano,violin and violoncello

5) SURPRISE for voice, ensemble, fixed electronics and video

6) JOY for voice, ensemble and fixed electronics

(duration 35 min.)

(WP, commissioned piece by Siirje Viise and Zafraan Ensemble supported by inm and ernst von siemens musikstiftung)

Zafraan Ensemble, Sirje Viise (soprano), Titus Engel (conductor), Daniel Weingarten (sound direction), Vincent Stefan (video)

In response to the unexpected current situation, Emotional Logic  focuses on how a longer period of isolation affects an ensemble. How this phase affects the individual members as people and musicians, especially in the comparison of the previously documented individual pre-corona self with the respective experiences during the crisis and the relationship to it in the past, present and future.

We are interested in how we have and will change based on our experience; emotionally, musically and as human beings. We want to turn potential destruction into a creative source. The research, the collection of materials and the formal structure (consisting of improvised and composed elements) reflect the recurring chaos that arises when one is confronted with strong emotions in isolation in a very controlled, unusual situation.

The quarantine thus became the constituent factor in the creation of this composition. The six basic human emotions (fear, disgust, sadness, anger, joy and surprise) are used as a kind of lens through which we look at the quarantine period. We observe ourselves and the others in four phases, as prescribed by the Corona regulations; sound research and interviews in virtual space, joint meetings, first online, then offline with a prescribed distance and at the end, the joint performance after a long period in which we could only consider ourselves as isolated members of an ensemble from a bygone era.