with Irina Sulaver / Fabian Raabe / Owen Read / Armin Wahedi / Jochen Weichenthal
Director: Fabian Gerhardt
Dramaturgy: Stefan Wipplinger
Costumes: Laura Kirst
Music: Misha Cvijović
Production TD Berlin
Performance rights Publishing house of the authors, Frankfurt am Main
Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe / Heinz and Heide Dürr Foundation
According to what law you judge, you will also be judged; and according to the measure with which you measure, you yourselves will be measured. Matthew 7:2
What to do when a populist takes over the government and takes the whole country hostage?
Moderate and veteran President Vincentio is reluctantly forced to appoint popular populist Angelo as chancellor. And he immediately goes into action, determined to turn the system upside down. New, tougher laws are being enacted at breakneck speed.
The first victim of Angelo’s fundamentalism is Claudio, who has been in the country since childhood, but is under general suspicion because of his origins. Claudio is to be deported because of an alleged rape. When Claudio’s sister Isabella pleads for her brother and then receives an indecent offer from Angelo, the tide begins to turn.
As is so often the case, Shakespeare has also created a fascinating orchestra of figures in MASS FÜR MASS, which continues to carry out amazingly relevant conflicts. Against the background of an ailing democracy and growing right-wing populists, Shakespeare’s central question, what it means to govern, gains new topicality.
In the TD version, the story is now transferred from an absolutist to a (post)democratic system, and the young woman who is supposed to be forced to have sex is not simply married to the ruler at the end, but acts independently and takes her fate into your own hands.


(Text source: theaterdiscounter.de)